Ardoukôba RiftLocation: 11.58 N, 42.47 EElevation: 298 mThe Ardoukôba (Asal) Rift inDjibouti, trending NW from theRed Sea, contains a broad area ofyouthful fissure vents betweenLake Asal and the Ghoubbat alKharab gulf. The rift is subaeriallyexposed over a 12 km distancebetween these two bodies of waterand contains numerous basalticcinder and spatter cones. Magma-water interaction has produced tuff cones, some of which form islands or arebreached by the sea. The most recent lava flows are younger than lakesediments deposited 5300 years ago. These lavas were thought to have beenerupted during the past 3000 years (Delibrias et al., 1975). The Ardoukôbafissure erupted in 1978, producing a small cinder cone and lava flows thatcovered part of the rift floor near the Red Sea. (Global Volcanism Program))click on pictures to enlargeclick on panoramas to enlargeHOMEPAGE5./6. Febr. 2008