LicancaburSummit Elevation: 5916 m Latitude: 22.83°S Longitude: 67.88°W A classically symmetrical conical volcano,Licancabur has a circular basal plan with adiameter of ~10 km, and appears to havebeen largely constructed in post-glacialtimes (compare the pre-Holocene VolcanJuriques to the east). There is abundantevidence of recent activity in the form ofyouthful lava flows; a well preservedsummit crater, and an absence of glacialgeomorphic features. The cone is madeup predominantly of lavas interbeddedwith minor pyroclastic deposits. Younglavas are particularly well developed onthe western flanks of the volcano and extend for up to 6 km down the regional slope ofabout 3° on which Licancabur is built. Levées and flow ridge morphologies are wellpreserved on the thick (50-100m), blocky lava flows. Within the 400 m diameter summitcrater is a fresh water lake, about 90 m x 70 m. This is one of the highest lakes in theworld and hosts a planktonic fauna of considerable interest to biologists. A high altitudediving expedition in 1984 found the lake to be <4m deep with a temperature of 6 °C atthe bottom. Ruins of archaeological interest are present on the rim of the crater.Little is known about the earliest activity, but as with many of the other centres in thisregion, the oldest lava flows extend considerably further than the youngest. Flows on thewest extend for ~12 km from the present centre and their distal portions divide intoseveral thin flows extending 1-3 km from the main lava body (~9 km from the volcano).Flank lava flows are the most recent activity from this Licancabur. There are no recordsof historic eruptions. (Volcano Wold)click on Pictures to enlargePanoramasclick on panoramasHOME