The volcanic dominated place Pozzuoli is the most important center of the CampiFlegrei. The volcanic crater Solfatara is located in the municipality. Pozzuoli has alsogiven the name Puzzolan soil..The area is well known for its bradyseism (The gradualuplift or descent of part of the Earth's surface caused by the filling or emptying of anunderground magma chamber). The ruins of the Macellum, a market in the area of theancient harbor, lie just a few meters inland in the center of the town: about 4 metersbelow today's road level and 2 meters below today's sea level. There are some remainsof columns rising from 3.6 meters upwards A 2.7 m wide band of holes of marine drillshells. This is the proof that the earth crust has been lowered and lifted several timessince the construction of the buildings, so that the columns were sunk temporarily in siltand water..The cause of the movements (amplitude overall over 10 m) is the volcanicactivity (eg , Phlegraean Fields Vesuvius). The ups and downs are partly abrupt: In 1538 the volcano Monte Nuovo originated afew kilometers west, which led to a 6m elevation at Pozzuoli in only 2 days. Also in recent years, the area has increased by 1.8m between 1984 and 1986 in just two years. This brought with it problems for the port. Nowadays, the old town is partiallyrenovated. ( Wikipedia)
HOMEPOZZUOLILocation: 40°50’ N,14°05’ EVideo : Valentin Kordesclick on Pictures to enlargePozzuoli, 10.October 2016