Wau-en-NamusLocation: 25.05°N, 17.55° EElevation: 547 mThe isolated Wau-en-Namus volcanicfield (also spelled Waw an Namous orUaw en Namus) lies in the Saharadesert of south-central Libya, south ofthe Haruj volcanic field. A 4-km-wide, 100-m-deep caldera contains apost-caldera scoria cone, Wau-en-Namus. An apron of dark basaltictephra extends 10-20 km around thecaldera in stark contrast to the light-colored desert sand prominent insatellite views -the Dark Spot, as it appeared in Google Earth.Three small saltlakes of variable color contribute to the name of the volcano, which means"Oasis of Mosquitoes." The youthful appearance of the central cone hassuggested it may be as young as a few thousand years, although the arid climatemay mask its actual age. Yellow sulfur deposits are found in the 150-m-widecrater. Other basaltic lava flows occur several tens of km NW of the volcano.PanoramasPhotogalleryHOME